Logically, when a PR person sends a quality pitch to a blogger, the blogger will want to cover it, right? Ahh, if only it were that easy … The top bloggers receive hundreds of pitches a day. Even bloggers with less traffic to their site are still being pitched on a regular basis. Working against […]
Author Archive | Heather Whaling
Carefully Crafted on September 17
Carefully Crafted on September 15
Effective Blogger Relations
This post originally ran on PRBreakfastClub.com. Tomorrow, I’m presenting at a local conference on blogger relations, which has me thinking about what separates the “good” blogger relations from the bad. We’ve all heard that relationships matter, right? But, it’s not always realistic to think we can build a solid relationship with every blogger (or traditional […]
Carefully Crafted on September 13
HOW TO: Create a PR Plan Timeline
Hard to believe, but we’re getting close Q4. (Seriously, where did the year go?!) For many organizations, this means it’s time to start creating a 2011 communication strategy. Taking a long-term approach to integrated communication is well worth the effort. You can increase your communication effectiveness by understanding how PR, email marketing, social media, internal […]
Carefully Crafted on September 08
Climbing the Ladder of Engagement
In the arts world, the behavioral model of participation creates a framework to understand people’s engagement with organizations. But, businesses (and consultants) seeking to generate online engagement with customers/prospects can learn a thing or two from this model. Let’s take a closer look … 5 Stages of Engagement The Background Stage — Where is the […]
Carefully Crafted on September 03
19 Tips to Succeed in a Team Environment
“The main ingredient in stardom is the rest of the team” – John Wooden Many companies find company culture to be a key ingredient in social media success, as well as their overall business growth. As Geben Communication continues to grow, I find myself thinking a lot about the kind of culture I want to […]
Carefully Crafted on September 01
The Anatomy of a Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Launching a new website can be a major hurdle. But, once the site is live, you face another challenge: How do you drive traffic to the new site? And, more importantly, how do you get people going through the site and taking action, not just reading a homepage overview? How about a virtual scavenger hunt, […]
Carefully Crafted on August 22
An Exercise in Customer Service
On an index card (or in Evernote … or whatever your preferred note-taking tool is), write about a time when you received above-and-beyond, top-notch, memorable customer service. Spend two or three minutes jotting down notes, using the following questions as a guide: When was it? What happened? What was the benefit/value of the experience for […]
Carefully Crafted on August 19
The Intersection of Content, Creativity and Communication
This is a guest post from Sara Halperin. For those just beginning to learn about public relations and for those who need reminding, here are three simple things to remember about strategy when creating products, managing communities, giving presentations, or otherwise engaging with clients, consumers, donors, and your target audience: Content, Creativity, Communication. Content first […]
Carefully Crafted on August 18
#CitizenGulf Leverages Social Media to Incite Action
While the news coverage may have died down a bit, the Gulf Coast is still suffering, especially the fishing families. Instead of relying on the government or BP to “fix it,” a group of people — including Geoff Livingston and the Citizen Effect team — have organized a national day of action on August 25, […]
Carefully Crafted on August 16
South by Southwest Interactive Panel Recommendations
With more than 2,000 panels vying for a slot at South by Southwest, the competition is intense. The PanelPicker process — SXSW’s way of crowdsourcing presentations — is open and now accepting your votes. You have a say in who gets heard during the interactive festival bonanza. Last week, Sarah Evans highlighted 15 PR-oriented presentations […]