Carefully Crafted on August 22

An Exercise in Customer Service

On an index card (or in Evernote … or whatever your preferred note-taking tool is), write about a time when you received above-and-beyond, top-notch, memorable customer service. Spend two or three minutes jotting down notes, using the following questions as a guide:

  • When was it?
  • What happened?
  • What was the benefit/value of the experience for you?
  • What did you feel during and after the experience?
  • Think about your senses. What do you recall seeing? Touching? Tasting (especially relevant if your experience involves a restaurant or coffee shop!)? Hearing?
  • What sets this experience apart from other interactions with customer service departments?

Now, re-read your experience and store it somewhere easily accessible.

In some form or fashion, we’re all involved in customer service. (If you think your not, think again.) When you get frustrated, or aren’t sure how to deliver that Zappos-esque, high-level customer service, come back to this story. Use it as motivation — an inspiration to help you create a similar, memorable customer service experience for someone else.

I’d love to hear your most memorable customer service experience. What made it so great? How can PR play a role in improving customer service? The comments are all yours …

Special thanks to Strategic Links for inspiring this blog post.


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