Ever been in a meeting with someone who is constantly checking his/her phone, email, Facebook or Twitter? Doesn’t it drive you crazy? (It’s actually one of my pet peeves.) I had a client once who was ALWAYS on his phone. During meetings, he’d answer his cell phone when it rang — never thinking twice about […]
Author Archive | Heather Whaling
Carefully Crafted on April 25
Carefully Crafted on April 22
Public Relations Ethics
Not only has Web 2.0 added additional layers of communication to the practice of public relations, but it seems that social media has introduced communicators to a new set of ethical challenges. In fact, this led to a series on pr-squared (which I’d highly recommend you read). During this week’s PR 2.0 Chat (aka #pr20chat), […]
Carefully Crafted on April 21
The Entrepreneur State of Mind
Need a little mid-week humor? Check this out …
Carefully Crafted on April 17
Social Media for Small Business from #YouToo Conference
Friday, I spoke at the YouToo Social Media Conference, organized by the Akron PRSA and Kent State PRSSA chapters. What follows is my presentation — looking at how social media can help businesses improve reputation management, customer service, PR and internal communication, along with 6 steps to develop a sound social media strategy. Note: I created […]
Carefully Crafted on April 12
5 Steps to Develop a Crisis Communication Plan
When a crisis situation develops, time is of the essence. There’s a saying: “If you’re not quick, you’re not relevant.” That’s why companies need to have a crisis communication plan in place BEFORE a potentially hazardous situation arises. But, what does that mean? What elements should be included in your crisis plan? While there’s no […]
Carefully Crafted on April 07
27 PR Pros You May Not Know … But Should
During last night’s PR 2.0 chat (aka #pr20chat), we wanted to shine the spotlight on some of the PR industry’s unheralded stars. We asked participants to recommend at least one person who we should get to know. Well, the answers came flying in — and PR 2.0 chat participants suggest you take a few minutes to […]
Carefully Crafted on April 04
Hyperlocal News Lessons from ESPN
If you’re a sports fan, this has to be one of your favorite times of year — March Madness, the start of a new baseball season, the Master’s, upcoming NFL draft and impending NBA playoffs. For sports fans, it doesn’t get much better than this. Which means it’s also prime time for ESPN. When it […]
Carefully Crafted on March 16
Say Hello: Beyond Social Media Cliques
I have a confession: I wasn’t the cool kid in high school. Now, don’t get me wrong: I wasn’t a complete nerd … but I was in the orchestra and I did go to yearbook camp. I’m only telling you that now to explain that I know what it’s like to go somewhere and feel […]
Carefully Crafted on March 15
Measuring Media Relations: Advice for Nonprofits
This post first appeared on PRBreakfastClub.com as part of a new series designed to help nonprofits improve their PR and social media efforts. *** As I help nonprofits improve their public relations and social media efforts, I’m struck by the fact that, regardless of size or mission, they often ask similar questions. I’m sure other […]
Carefully Crafted on March 09
Chatmixer: Expand Your Network
Tonight’s the big night! Join us for the first-ever Chatmixer — a convergence of 18 PR, social media and marketing and small business chats. As Deirdre Breakenridge noted in a recent blog post, this is such a great example of existing online communities coming together to build new relationships! Participating is easy: Discussion starts at […]