Last week, I blogged about #WhyWeCelebrate, asking you to join with us to honor the troops during the Independence Day holiday. Showing the true power of social media, you came through. In an incredibly overwhelming way. I want to share a recap of the effort in hopes that nonprofits and cause-marketers can learn from our […]
Author Archive | Heather Whaling
Carefully Crafted on July 08
Carefully Crafted on July 06
Extremism vs. Integration
A couple months ago, I was on a panel about public relations. One of the panelists called Twitter “bunk.” Another panelist said “no one” reads the newspaper, so traditional media clips have zero value. Here’s the thing: They’re both wrong. And, they’re both right. Sort of. If you check out the top of my blog, […]
Carefully Crafted on July 01
Social Media, Independence Day & #WhyWeCelebrate
This weekend, we’ll all be attending fireworks and picnics to celebrate Independence Day. That’s fun (who doesn’t like fireworks, right?!), but there are lots of people who aren’t here to partake in the 4th of July festivities. Regardless of political your affiliation, we’re all indebted to our armed forces. Ever since my brother served in […]
Carefully Crafted on June 28
Maximizing Community Giving
With fewer dollars to go around — and an increasing number of deserving causes asking for support — businesses are forced to make tough decisions when it comes to their community giving. Getting the most “bang for the buck” has to be part of the decision. In fact, 90% of businesses seek business benefits from […]
Carefully Crafted on June 25
30 Lessons from an Accidental Entrepreneur
I’m not one of those people who set out to “own stuff.” In fact, my husband — who has always had that entrepreneurial spirit — had been telling me to start my own company for a while, but I never listened. (I’m sure he’d tell you that’s not all that surprising.) But, finally, last year, […]
Carefully Crafted on June 21
Pitches, Not Rolodexes, Matter
Some PR people like to tout the size of their rolodex (or whatever contact management system they prefer)? Especially with the proliferation of social media – and how easily we can see connection quantities – we place a lot of importance on network size. Here’s the thing: That’s important, but it’s not the most important […]
Carefully Crafted on June 15
Thank You
Last year, in the worst of the recession, I decided to quit my safe, steady agency job to start my own company. There were lots of driving forces behind this decision — not least of which was the opportunity to move back to Ohio and live near my family. I know some people thought I […]
Carefully Crafted on June 09
GM's Donated Corvette Highlights PR Challenge
While a number of PR people – a band of leaders, headed by Katie Paine – decry the value of the ad equivalency report as a measure for public relations activities, there’s a reason it still exists. Most of the reasons for its continued use are bogus, but there is one that speaks volumes: Advertising […]
Carefully Crafted on May 27
Small Gestures = Big Results
This is mostly a reminder for myself, but I figured someone else might find my random thought helpful. Sometimes, we get so bogged down in tackling the big tasks, we forget that it’s often the smallest gestures that make the biggest difference. As co-moderator of the #pr20chat, I (along with my partner in crime Justin […]
Carefully Crafted on May 24
BPGlobalPR: A Brandjacker Strikes Again
Have you seen @BPGlobalPR? It’s a feed of sarcastic, witty, sometimes inappropriate tweets from a fake BP PR person. If you take a few minutes and look at the stream of tweets, it’s obviously satire. But, a quick search shows that more than a few people don’t get the joke — and instead believe these […]