This is a guest post from my friend Dan Farkas. Follow Dan on Twitter at @danfarkas. My college education cost tens of thousands of dollars. My eyes read thousands of pages. My work schedule dwarfs 40 hours a week. And this is what I’m competing against… More than 72 million people have wasted some or […]
Author Archive | Heather Whaling
Carefully Crafted on April 01
Carefully Crafted on March 30
How to Pitch Mashable: Tips from an Associate Editor
Dear PR people, Too often, we hear about journalists receiving off-topic, spammy pitches. Heck, there’s a whole blog dedicated to covering bad pitches. Enough of the madness. I want to help. Today, we’re kicking off a series of interviews with bloggers and online reporters. Who better to ask for advice than the very people on […]
Carefully Crafted on March 29
Video: How to Get Press Coverage
Tomorrow, I’m starting a new blog series designed to help PR people improve their media and blogger outreach efforts. (As a heads up, the series kicks off with a bang: Tips from a Mashable assistant editor. If you don’t want to miss it, click here to subscribe and get blog posts delivered to you.) As […]
Carefully Crafted on March 28
prChatter: Mobile Photo Campaigns, Facebook Geotargeting & Measuring PR
I promise this post will be short and sweet. Today, we launched prChatter, a weekly enewsletter designed to help PR people at a very tactical level. Why did we decide to focus on tactics? While information about trends and research is certainly valuable, sometimes we skip over the real-world, day-to-day stuff. If we can see […]
Carefully Crafted on March 22
Facebook Groups as Collaboration Tools
Facebook Groups — a feature introduced in the fall of 2010 — have proven to be effective ways for people to stay in touch with families, friends and other collections of people. But, did you know that Facebook Groups can also be a prime tool for group collaboration and information sharing? What makes a collaborative, […]
Carefully Crafted on March 21
On Twitter's 5th Birthday, 7 Helpful Resources
Today, Twitter turns 5 years old. I know I’m thankful for this crazy 140-character invention. Personally and professionally, I get a lot of value from it. In fact, about 75% of my company’s new business is generated via social media. Some days I feel like Twitter helps me keep the lights on! Twitter, and social […]
Carefully Crafted on March 18
Writing a PR Plan: Tools, Tips & Resources to Create an Effective Roadmap
It’s plan week here on prTini. We’ve talked about laying the foundation with solid PR research, writing goals/strategies/objectives, defining target audiences and writing key messages and brand vocabulary. Today, let’s spend a few minutes on tactics. This is the area that probably comes most naturally to you, right? It’s where we get down to the […]
Carefully Crafted on March 16
HOW TO Define Target Audiences & Write Key Messages (Part 2 of 3-Part Plan-Writing Series)
Yesterday, we laid the foundation for how to write a PR plan, discussing situation analysis and research. Today, we’re going to discuss how to identify who we’re trying to reach and what messages will resonate with them. Identifying Target Audiences First up, target audiences. Each company has a different set of audiences. Start by taking […]
Carefully Crafted on March 15
HOW TO Write a PR Plan: Situation Analysis, Research and Goals/Strategy/Objectives
This is Part 1 of a 3-part series. I recently asked you to weigh in on content for the blog — choose your own adventure, if you will. Between the comments, tweets and emails I received, it was clear that you wanted more info about how to write a PR plan. After all, failing to […]
Carefully Crafted on March 13
Sunday Service: Introducing the "Causemopolitan" aka Sloane Berrent
Giving up candy or snacks didn’t seem like such a sacrifice after witnessing thousands of Haitians still living in tents. So, instead of giving up something for Lent, I’ve decided to make it my mission to connect with people who are adding good to this world.