From blogging and pinning … to creating videos, tweets, status updates, ebooks, enewsletters and white papers — content marketing has become a catch-all term that encompasses all kinds of information marketers are creating, disseminating and tying to objectives. But, how do you know what kind of content to share? And, is it actually working? Jason […]
Author Archive | Heather Whaling
Carefully Crafted on May 07
Carefully Crafted on May 04
Nationwide Demonstrates How To Respond to Online Criticism
Headquartered in Columbus, OH, Nationwide Insurance does a lot of good for my home city, but that doesn’t mean they’re protected from online backlash. This week, The Candle Lab posted a photo on Facebook with the following caption: So…it was brought to our attention today that Nationwide Insurance took an image of our candle with our […]
Carefully Crafted on April 27
Bigger Is Often Not Better: Independent PR Pros Play a Key Role
This week’s Follow Friday guest post comes from my friend and Kellye Crane. Kellye created a successful online community for independent pros. In fact, when I was launching Geben, Kellye offered a wealth of guidance — always willing to answer my questions or provide advice. Fortunately, I’ve met Kellye in “real life” a few times […]
Carefully Crafted on April 25
Pinning as Marketing? Read This Pinterest Introduction First.
Already dubbed by some as the breakout social network of 2012, Pinterest seems to be everywhere — which inevitably leads marketers to wonder if and how they can (should?) market amongst the avid pinning crowd. (But, remember, before infiltrating any niche network, brands should start by asking themselves these three questions.) Whether you need a […]
Carefully Crafted on April 18
Proof that Social Media Success Doesn't Require a Big Budget
My company, Geben Communication, is a boutique PR firm in Columbus, Ohio. Along the way, I’ve made decisions to ensure that we can work with small- to mid-sized businesses, startups and nonprofits — organizations that typically can’t afford the rates of the larger agencies. As a result, we’re typically charged to “do more with less.” […]
Carefully Crafted on April 16
Dear Mr. Romney, Women Drive the Economy
People who know me well know where I stand politically. My career began in public affairs and political consulting, so it’s something I used to talk A LOT about. However, as my career has shifted, I’ve found myself talking about political issues and candidates less and less. I’m not sure if I like that or […]
Carefully Crafted on April 13
Must-Follows: I'll Tell You Mine, You Tell Me Yours
Earlier this week, a PR student asked which PR/social media-related people I closely follow on Twitter. She didn’t mean “follow” in the Twitter sense. Instead, she wanted to know who are the people that I really pay attention to … don’t miss their updates … seek out information from them. Interesting question, right? If you’re […]
Carefully Crafted on April 06
The Business of You
Today’s guest post is from Lisa Grimm (@lulugrimm on Twitter). As social media strategist for Mall of America, Lisa has to have one of the coolest jobs. And, just watch the creative digital ideas Mall of America is implementing (like this Snap+Win on Black Friday), and it’s easy to see that Lisa knows her stuff. […]
Carefully Crafted on April 02
Embrace Risk. Stop Being So Humble.
Recently, I joined tens of thousands of people in the technology/startup space in Austin, TX for South by Southwest. Because I was primarily there working for a San-Francisco-based client, I spent a considerable amount of time with Silicon Valley-ers. While making small chat at various networking events and parties, the conversation always turned to location. […]
Carefully Crafted on March 27
Pinterest: A Blogger Outreach Secret Weapon [VIDEO]
Have you incorporated blogger outreach into your PR 2.0 toolbox? I’ve written extensively about blogger relations as a key tactic for brands looking to excel in a social world. An extension of this type of outreach, brands are creating experiences that bridge the digital/physical divide. For example, the Cleveland Indians are now accepting applications for their social suite. […]