
Carefully Crafted on February 07

Will Super Bowl Ads Integrate Online & Offline?

Update: It turns out that most of us gave advertisers too much credit. Only a few commercials incorporated social media — and those that did took a very subtle approach. If you’re interested in learning more about which advertisers went social, the KBuzz blog recaps some of the “social” ads.

We all know it’s Super Bowl Sunday — which means some of the year’s best commercials will be debuted. While there’s some debate about the value of spending millions of dollars for 30-seconds of air time, no doubt tomorrow’s  water cooler talk will include lots of people discussing which ads were funny or memorable — and which ones were a hit … or miss.

Pepsi made news when it decided to skip the Super Bowl to focus more resources online. Clearly, marketers are getting hip to the benefits of social media. That begs the question: How many Super Bowl commercials will integrate with online/social media campaigns?

We already know Doritos connected its ad buy to an online user-generated campaign, Crash the Super Bowl. 30+ brands have paid for 50+ commercials. How many will incorporate a “new media” component (user-generated content, online contest, link to Facebook or Twitter in the ad, etc.)?

Take the poll and check back tomorrow for the results.

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  1. […] “big game” commercials. My friend and #pr20chat co-moderator Heather Whaling (@prTini) ran a poll on her blog Sunday before the game asking how many of the Super Bowl ads would integrate online and offline by including a mention of […]

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