Carefully Crafted on June 01

Entrepreneurs: Lead the Paid Leave Movement

Entrepreneurs and small businesses are driving innovation on so many different levels. Shouldn’t we be at the forefront of paid leave, too? I think we should, which is why our “Geben Loves Families” policy includes up to 10 weeks paid leave for new moms and new dads alike.

Think about it this way: The process of changing an HR policy at a large, corporate enterprise can take months (if not longer!), considering all of the necessary processes, approvals and red tape. Small businesses, however, have much more flexibility and can change their policies quickly, and with fewer hoops to jump through.

Head over to, where I’m guest-posting today, specifically about the opportunity for small businesses to change workplace policies for the better. Rather than simply wait for the government to pass a paid leave mandate, we should be establishing the expectations ourselves, setting the standards and encouraging other companies to keep up.

This kind of flexibility is good for families and good for business.


The response to our policy, and today’s Entrepreneur post has been incredibly positive. We’re grateful for the feedback and the business community’s willingness to embark on this much-needed dialogue. Special shoutout to the United Nation’s He for She campaign for sharing the post with their Twitter followers. (Sidenote: Emma Watson is the He for She ambassador, and they shared my content. In a 6-degrees-of-separation world, that makes me and Emma almost BFF, right?!)


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