Carefully Crafted on January 06

Social Media for Social Good

My husband and I had a realization about our relationship. I am the “dot org” and he is the “dot com.” We balance each other well. At the end of the day, we both want to help people … he’s just much better at all the “business” type stuff. Me? I’d give everything away for free if I could!!

Related to that, one of my new favorite concepts is “social media for social good.” Basically, I love that people from all walks of life are figuring out how to use online tools to help others. I came across a perfect example of that tonight. David Armano (whom I’ve never met — online or in person) has taken in a woman and her children who are escaping domestic violence. As he explained it on his own blog:

As of this moment, Daniela’s family is staying at our house and we are trying to help her find a one bedroom apartment for her family to live in.  With Evelyn, her youngest having Down’s Syndrome and Daniela herself being a Romanian immigrant with very little family support she literally has no one to turn to. Except us (all of us).

David is asking his online friends to help this woman get back on her feet. He blogged about it and people started linking back to his blog via Twitter. Hopefully, word will spread quickly and the online community will be able to lend their support to David and Daniela.

Now, if that’s not a good use of social media, I don’t know what is. (And, if there’s anything you can do to pitch in, please do so! If you read this blog even a little bit, you know my thoughts on domestic violence survivors. They are among the most courageos people I’ve ever come in contact with. Can you to help?)

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