Carefully Crafted on November 13

Rough Week for MSNBC

It hasn’t been the greatest week for MSNBC. First, Morning Joe was forced to go to a seven-second delay because the host let a four-letter word slip. Oops.

Then, anchor David Shuster thought he discovered the source who leaked news about Sarah Palin now knowing the difference between a country and a continent.

“Turns out it was Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser who has come forward today to identify himself as the source of the leaks,” Shuster reported Monday.

Not so fast.

The New York Times reported yesterday that two filmmakers created Eisenstadt to help them pitch a TV show based on the character.

“The story was not properly vetted and should not have made air,” MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines said. “We issued a correction on air within minutes of making the error.”

Then, this morning, MSNBC couldn’t figure out how to spell “below” — spelling it with an extral l. (See Peter Shankman’s photo for proof.)

Note to MSNBC: You want to be taken seriously as a grown-up media outlet? Start acting like one! (And, give Rachel Maddow as much air time as possible. She’s terrific!)

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