
Carefully Crafted on December 19

From me, to you: Happy Holidays! [Video]

2011 has been a magical year. In the past year, thanks to this blog, I’ve had amazingly positive experiences, including witnessing the hope and resiliency of the Haiti people and being reminded of the importance of true friendship, thanks to Valerie Simon and #TeamMeg. In my own corner of the world, Geben Communication became a “toddler,” hitting the two-year mark, and growth remains strong. Beyond thankful doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings about 2011.

Don’t get me wrong: Too many people are without jobs or underemployed, the economy continues to plague hard-working families, and this country faces more than a few long-term problems. But, as we enter the homestretch of this year, let’s reflect on the amazing experiences, good friends, personal/professional growth, and magic that defined 2011.

With that in mind, Geben recently hosted an office warming-meets-holiday celebration, and my incredibly talented friend Eric Leslie with On Scene Productions offered to film it for us. So, to all of you who couldn’t physically be here with us for the festivities, here’s a little peak at the fun! (Check out the app-inspired cookies!!) From all of us at Geben Communication, happy holidays!

Geben Christmas Party 2011 from On Scene Digital Printing on Vimeo.

Can’t see the video in your reader? That’s ok – just click here!

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