
Carefully Crafted on December 13

Debuting the prTini (the drink, not the blog!)

Celebrating Geben Communication’s two-year anniversary and the holiday season seemed like an appropriate occasion to finally create a prTini. Last week, I asked readers of this blog to submit your suggestions for consideration. Let’s just say you have wide-ranging tastes! The eventual winner caught my attention for two reasons: Her concoction sounded delicious and she mentioned that the color would coordinate with my blog design. (Who can say no to a color-coordinated beverage?!)

Tonight is Geben Communication’s holiday party, where the prTini will be making its debut. If you’d like to experience your own prTini, here’s the recipe, submitted by Christa Marzan. Enjoy!





  1. […] چه کسی ممکن است وبلاگی را که دارای معجونی رسمی (http://prtini.com/debuting-the-prtini-the-drink-not-the-blog/) است دوست نداشته […]

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