Carefully Crafted on January 09

Chatting about PR 2.0

This week, Beth Harte announced that she’s starting a new Twitter chat, this one focused on integrated marketing (another one of my favorite topics, BTW). That means her #pr20chat, the conversation about new PR, needed a new host and day/time. Well, Justin Goldsborough and I are pleased to announce that we’re the new co-moderators for the chat — now taking place every Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST.

pr20chaticionWhat interests you about PR 2.o? Justin and I are open to discussing new topics … exploring new formats … involving featured guests. Most importantly, we want you to help determine how the chat evolves. We’re honored that Beth asked us to fill her big shoes — and we’re committed to making sure the chat remains a high-quality, thoughtful discussion about the evolving and exciting world of public relations.

The next #pr20chat will take place this Tuesday, January 12 at 8 p.m. We hope you’ll join us. Got a question or topic you’d like us to pose to the group? Leave it in the comments or feel free to shoot me at email at heather [at] gebencommunication [dot] com.

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