
Carefully Crafted on October 23

World Series Social Media Program [Infographic]

Welcome to the World Series. Which batter will emerge as this year’s Mr. October? Which pitcher will deliver a heroic performance on just three days’ rest? If you’re a fan of America’s pastime, you’re pumped for this series. Add to that your love of all things social media, and I’ve got just what you need: The World Series social media “program.”

This program, created by my client Marketwired, powered by Sysomos, includes Twitter handles for ballplayers and reporters covering the series, as well as hashtags for each team and the series. Skip down to the bottom to see which team is winning the online battle.

Who else is ready for the first pitch?

2013 World Series Social Media Playbook - Powered By Sysomos

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  1. […] Happy World Series Games! Oh, you didn’t know it was the World Series already? Yeah, most people didn’t, because for the first time in a while, the SF Giants didn’t make it (and the entirety of California, plus all of the bandwagon fans, wept). Curious to know who the favorite is to win between the Saint Louis Cardinals and the Boston Red Sox? Check out this social media infographic made by PRtini. […]

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