Carefully Crafted on October 17

The Obama/Bin Laden Photoshop Project

The Republican Party has officially gone too far. Since Barack Obama began his campaign, the GOP has tried to convince people that he’s un-American. Maybe he’s a Muslim, the whisper campaigns say. Or, maybe he’s a “black power” supporter whose wife refers to Caucasions as “whitey.” Or, you know, maybe he just pals around with terrorists.

Republicans aren’t dumb. They know that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, why not take a photo of bin Laden — the most hated man in America — and doctor it up just enough so that it might look like Obama. Because, you know, Obama and Osama are interchangeable, right? See for yourself:

Then, check out Talking Points Memo to see a better graphic representation of the potential PhotoShop work. As they note:

Just a few points to make here. I grapple with whether it’s paranoia at this stage to think that the GOP is conflating Obama and Osama visually — as they have so often conflated them textually and rhetorically. But look at the pic closely. You’ve got the turban and beard photoshopped out or otherwise obscured. The flared bulb of the nose is gone, leaving only the narrower bridge. And the photo appears darkened to match Obama’s complexion.

You be the judge. But in politics, as in advertising, images are rarely accidental.

This postcard was created by the Virgina State Republican Party. Are Republican ashamed of the direction their party is headed and the new lows McCain’s campaign has sunk to? Or, is this just part of campaigning?

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