Carefully Crafted on April 23

PR Women: Stop Trivializing Our Work

In PR, we often find ourselves fighting stereotypes. That we’re “spin masters.” We’re control freaks obsessed with limiting media access to our clients. We spend our days “playing” on Facebook and Twitter. Or worse, that we’re the cute girls in black suits and heels holding clipboards at events.

Why do these stereotypes continue to follow us? I don’t know the full answer, but I know blog posts like this certainly don’t help. Ragan published this post (which originally appeared on another site) with beauty tips for PR pros, such as:

  • Avoid getting lipstick on your teeth.
  • Draw whiskers around your nose and mouth with a matte concealer stick. Blend it in with a brush.
  • Invest in slips and undershirts.
  • Practice smiling with your eyes.

Seriously? Yes, seriously.

Gender fluffThose aren’t tips for PR pros. They’re common sense. (Is lipstick on your teeth a good idea in any industry? Safe to say, no.) If being a PR pro requires nothing more than basic common sense, no wonder the industry doesn’t get the respect it deserves. In reality, our work is far more complex than silly articles like this lead you to believe. Our work involves intricate details that, when flawlessly executed, strengthen businesses. And, conversely, poorly managed PR campaigns can seriously hurt business. We’re talking actual dollars and cents. Metrics that mater.

Collectively, can we all promise to stop publishing shallow blog posts that emphasize the height of our heels instead of the strength of our campaigns? Let’s leave lipstick and lotion tips to beauty bloggers. Instead, let’s focus on results-oriented case studies, tips to help new pros climb the career ladder, thoughtful debates about strategies and tactics, honest discussions about challenges we face as an industry and as individuals.

For better or worse, PR is still a female-dominated profession. But, that doesn’t mean we should downplay our brains. It means we should play up successful, savvy businesswomen. These women aren’t just sitting at the table; they’ve earned the seat at the head of the table, thanks to the results they generate.

If we want PR to be taken more seriously (and, consequently, given more responsibility and budget), then we need to be our own best PR person. We need to get out of our own way and stop with the “gender stereotype fluff” when we should be honing and showcasing our business acumen.



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