Carefully Crafted on November 05

Palin Who? Michelle Obama is New Role Model

During the crazy election season, there was much chatter about Sarah Palin being the type of person all women should strive to be

I was repulsed by that notion then — and, now that we know even more about “Sarah Barracuda,” it seems almost laughable.

Michelle Obama, on the other hand, really is a role model that young women can look up to. She seems like a great mom and a supportive wife … yet still manages to be career-minded and independent. We all know she dresses well … but she also possesses great intelligence and people-skills that enable her to engage people from all walks of life in discussions about serious issues. That matters.

Perhaps the most exciting thing about Michelle however is what having a woman lawyer like her in the White House means. For it is not often one can go to sleep safe in the knowledge that there is an educated, intelligent, sensible female voice being heard in the corridors of power.  


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