Carefully Crafted on October 01

Palin Knows Talking Points. That's It.

I’m a PR person. I can spot a talking point a mile away (I write them for a living). And, Sarah Palin is full of talking points … but not much more. Katie Couric’s interview with Palin and Joe Biden is a perfect illustration of a candidate who understands an issue and can support his beliefs and another candidate who spews talking points without any substance to back it up. Just watch …

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Palin would be an embarassment to this country if she were to become VP. You can tell by this interview that she clearly had no idea abot the right to privacy issues wrapped up in Roe vs. Wade. Give me a break. If you’re going to take a stance on an issue — especially one like that — you ought to be able to defend it and understand why the Court voted the way it did.

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