Carefully Crafted on January 01

My New Year's Resolution

My new year’s resolution is to be more disciplined. That’s actually an umbrella resolution for a whole bunch of things I want to try to be better at. For example, I — like a million other people — want to eat healthier. I also want to spend less money eating out. For me, that’s just a matter of discipline. I need to pack a lunch to take to work the night before (I run out of time in the morning.) I need to write a meal list on Sundays and go grocery shopping for the necessary ingredients. If we have delicious meals planned, we’ll be less inclined to eat out.

I also want to exercise more. (I know, another overdone resolution). But, just being healthy isn’t a good enough motivator. I am a deadline-oriented person. For example, the months before my wedding, I went to the gym almost everyday. I had a goal (needed a toned back and arms) and a deadline. That’s why I know that I am more likely to work out if there’s a goal … something to shoot for. So, I’m going to sign up for the Jan. 24 5K, the 10K on March 14 … and we’ll see what else. (Full disclosure: I’m thinking about running my first half-marathon at the end of March. But, I need to see if I can be disciplined enough to stick to a training schedule. That might require more discipline than I can muster!)

I also want to get published. I’ve “ghostwritten” articles in countless trade publications, and I’ve placed clients in major news outlets — from Entrepreneur … to the New York Times … to the Wall Street Journal. It’s time I get something published under my own byline. I’m in PR, so I know the process. It’s just a matter of spending the time to find the right opportunity. How do I do that? You got it: Discipline.

There are a bunch of other things I know I can be better at — if I’m just more organized. And organization just requires discipline. In 2009, I will blog more. Stress less. Remember birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates. Be helpful. Be more productive at work. Overall, 2009 will be the year of getting more things done. By finding a little self-discipline.

What’s your resolution? Here’s my thought: If we all share our resolutions (or goals) on here, in a public way, maybe we’ll be more likely accomplish them. So, list your’s in the comments section and let’s help each other stick to it!

Happy New Year!! It’s going to be a good year.


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