Carefully Crafted on September 18

Is it 1950?

I’m a newlywed. Let me preface this post by saying that I really, really love being married. My husband is the greatest. I’m a very lucky girl.

That being said, I received the most absurd email today. The backstory: My husband’s company is one of my clients. (Trust me, I didn’t get the business because of that. We had to submit a proposal just like everyone else.) It’s never been an issue. I use my maiden name whenever I work on thier behalf. Currently, I am in the process of drafting an article for their company about this insanely complicated legal issue that no one has been able to clearly explain to me. They suggested I contact their attorney to get more details. So, I did. Many, many times. No response. Fine … attorneys think they’re busy. I get that.

Well, this afternoon, that attorney sends an email to my husband’s boss about the very topic I’ve been calling him about. And, he off-handedly says “Perhaps Whaling’s wife might mention this in her article?”

Hi. My name is Heather. I’m  the person who has left countless messages for you. I’m sure by now you know my name. In fact, I just emailed you yesterday … so I know I’m relatively close to the top of your inbox. I have a name. I have a career. In fact, I have a pretty good career. Make a good salary. Etc. I’m not just someone’s wife. Not that being just a wife is a bad thing. But, it’s not who I am … and it’s arrogant for someone to be so dismissive.

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