Carefully Crafted on September 03

Finally, she speaks …

Rudy just finished. His speech was one low blow after the next. I think that pretty much sums up why I’ll never vote Republican. Being a POW doesn’t qualify anyone to be president. And, I think it’s stupid to attack Obama for being a community organizer. No, it’s not your typical road to the White House, but at least he understands the challenges that people face and how to get people to mobilize to fight for their rights. That’s a clear difference between the parties. Dems want to reward people who volunteer in their communities. Republicans? They mock the concept.

Sarah Palin’s up. Here we go …I don’t like what she stands for, but you have to admit the crowd in the hall is loving her. Uggh. Wonder how she’s playing in the rest of America? Do people buy this, or will they see right through it? Hopefully, they’ll remember that she loved pork-barrel $$ as mayor … she wants to control how science is taught in the classroom … she doesn’t support big government (unless it has to do with controlling reproductive rights and who you can marry) … she supports abstinence-only education … she thinks the war has something to do with a directive from God … the list goes on and on. She may be a good speaker and appealing to soccer (or hockey) moms everywhere — but she and John McCain are not the right leaders to get America back on the right track.

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