Carefully Crafted on October 30

Double Shot: Tools

This is the third installment of a new feature here on prTini — the Double Shot. Each Friday, I’ll share links to two resources, two useful blog posts or introduce you to two people. What better way to end the week (or kick-off the weekend) than with a Double Shot from prTini? Here we go …

Who doesn’t love discovering new tools that help us be more efficient or try a different approach? I came across two such services that I wanted to pass along. Now, keep in mind, I haven’t actually tested either of these tools yet. But, I do think they look promising and will be testing them out at some point in the near future. If you’ve tried them, let us know what you think!

  • prezi — Prezi bills itself as “zooming sketches on a digital napkin.” In other words, it’s a much more interesting, creative way to deliver a presentation. It’s just cool! Finally, something other than PowerPoint. I am in the process of experimenting with it for a talk I’m giving next week. You can check out some sample presentations on their website. Then, think about how you can incorporate what one TechCrunch writer calls “the coolest online presentation tool” the next time you’re speaking to a crowd.Wetoku-Logo
  • wetoku — Bloggers can conduct and record interviews via videochat (without installing additional software). Interviews are immediately available to be embedded on blogs. Have a conversation with someone and then share it with readers on your blog. Apparently, it’s that simple! Anyone want to volunteer to test this with me?!?

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