Carefully Crafted on July 02

Celebrating Red, White & Blue

Child Saluting FlagTechnically, it’s Thursday, but for most people in America, today feels more like a Friday. That’s because today is the last day of the work week. Hooray! Starting Friday and through the weekend, we’ll be eating, drinking, watching fireworks — collectively celebrating Independence Day. However, we shouldn’t get so caught up in the festivities that we forget those men and women who put their lives in danger everyday to answer the armed services’ call of duty.

When I woke up this morning, I was excited for “Red, White & Bleu” — a party being thrown by one of our friends. We’ll drink red and white wines and eat lots of cheese. What could be a better way to kick off the long weekend than a pre-holiday celebration with friends, right?

But, then I checked the news this morning. And heard the sad news about the capturing of an American soldier in Afghanistan. My brother was in the army — and served multiple times in war zones. Just knowing that he might be in harm’s way was terrifying. I shudder to think what the family of this captured soldier is going through.

As we “ooh” and “ahh” and celebrate this weekend, let’s not forget that there are lots of very brave people who aren’t home with thier families. Instead, they volunteered to lay it all on the line to make sure we Americans have the opportunity to shoot off our fireworks and to celebrate our freedom. That’s what this weekend should be about. And, don’t forget to say an extra prayer for everyone in Iraq and Afghanistan, but especially for the soldier being held in captivity.

Photo credit: respres

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