Carefully Crafted on September 04

A Greater Cause

I know … two videos in one day. That’s right … prTini is going high tech!

At work today, there was a lot of discussion about Sarah Palin’s speech last night. A number of people commented on the  harsh tone. Myself included. Last night, I was struck by the negativity. When I watch the Clintons, Obamas, Joe Biden and other speakers — I am reminded of what a great country we live in. No, everything isn’t perfect … but we are blessed to call this home. I am inspired to want to be a better person and to do my little part to help others however I can. On the other hand, when I watch Republicans, I don’t have that sense at all. Republicans use the same tried-and-true fear-mongering tactics.

In fact, as I’m writing this, the GOP convention just showed a video — supposedly billed as a tribute to 9/11 victims. It was anything but. It was an attempt to scare people into thinking that another terrorist attack is about to hit us. And, if you listen to them, the Republicans are the only people interested in keeping us safe. The video was exploitive and completely uncalled for. It wasn’t a tribute. It was playing politics with a tragedy. In fact, MSNBC’s Keith Olberman just said the video shouldn’t have been aired on television. He rightly pointed out that if a network aired that much graphic footage of 9/11, they’d rightly be “eviscerated for exploiting the memories of the dead and perhaps trying to evoke that pain again.”

Those aren’t the types of leaders this country needs. It’s difficult to articulate — but I want a leader in the White House who inspires others to be better … to work a little harder … to give thier time and resources to those in need … to understand those who are different than us. Not someone who relies on scare tactics to win some votes. I know being president is a much bigger responsibility than just being a cheerleader. I don’t want a cheerleader. But, I do want a leader who makes people better — and in turn makes the country better.

This video starts to explain that. I hope you like it.

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