
Carefully Crafted on December 05

A Call for Mixologists: Concocting the First-Ever "prTini."

It’s been a big year around here. One of my goals heading into 2011 was to grow Geben Communication and continue to expand the team. Grow we did — so much so that we had to move out of my home office (otherwise known as my dining room!) and into an actual office, complete with  storefront windows and a conference room.

Having an official workspace provides a fantastic excuse to host an office party —  part happy holidays, part office-warming. And, so, next week, we’ll be hosting a little gathering for some clients, partners and other Columbus friends. In honor of our first office party, we’re also debuting the prTini beverage. After writing this blog and tweeting as prTini for years, I’ve received more than a few requests for the official drink mix. So, let’s do it.

But, I need your help. See, the truth is, despite the online name, I’m not actually much of a martini drinker. (Red wine is my favorite, in case you’re wondering!) So, I have no idea what a prTini should taste or look like. And, that’s where you come in. I’m crowdsourcing recipe suggestions for the prTini debut (which doesn’t necessarily have to be a martini. Be creative. Think outside the box.). I’ve posted my request on Zaarly. Follow this link, sign-up for the service (if you’re not already a user), and then submit your recipe. It’s super easy, and if I choose your mix, you’ll win $20, and I’ll donate $20 to the charity of your choosing.

What’s Zaarly? Yes, Zaarly is a client, but it’s also a service that I love. Individuals post what they want, when they need it and how much they’re willing to pay. Then, the Zaarly community gets to work fulfilling your request. I’ve used Zaarly to find a baker who makes fresh cookies that I can take to meetings. Also, Zaarly came to the rescue when I forgot my computer charger during a work trip to California — a disaster-in-the-making. I posted a request for someone to go to the Apple store, buy a charger and deliver it to me. Within hours, I had a new charger. Seriously amazing. (And, in case you’re wondering, no Zaarly didn’t compensate me for this post or to use the service for my prTini search.)

Enough talking. I need to see your recipes. Recipes must be submitted this week. So, click here and let me see what you come up with!

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