Carefully Crafted on September 21

Brilliance about "Bible Thumping."

Scott Maxwell is a columnist with the Orlando Sentinel. He does a very good job of taking aim and Democrats and Republicans. He offers fair commentary on the news. Today’s column is brilliant — summing up the frustration many people feel about so-called Christians who hide behind the Bible when it comes to “values” issues. I would suggest everyone take a minute to read this article about Christians who act very un-Christian-like when it comes to gay marriage. (It’s an issue getting a lot of attention these days in Florida, thanks to a proposed amendment on the ballot this November.) Maxwell writes:

What would Jesus do?

If Christ had $500, do you think he’d give it to a political campaign designed to strip rights from his servants — or a campaign to ban something already prohibited under the laws of the land?

Or do you think he’d spend it trying to help the downtrodden (Deuteronomy 15:8), trying to clothe the naked and feed the hungry (Luke 3:11) or standing up for the rights of the underrepresented (Proverbs 31:8)?

The point is that these groups are so obsessed with homosexuality that they lose sight of things that really matter. Why do you care if someone wants to marry someone of the same gender? Who are you to be so judgmental? Instead of wasting so many resources on something like this, try advocating for a cause that falls more in line with your Christian values. Feed the hungry. Help the homeless. Tutor a kid. Clean up a neighborhood. Do something that will strengthen your community. Isn’t that what faith and good works and compassion are all about, anyway?

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